A while back, the band was performing at a private party in New York. During a break, I stepped out onto the roof for a breath of fresh air. I soon realized that I was not alone. Our bassist, Juan Tusrifor was standing at the edge of the building, leaning over a railing. His back was to me, but I was pretty sure that he had a strange look in his eyes. This was confirmed when, hearing my approach, he looked up with a wistful smile.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like?” he said quietly.
“Juan, you’re not thinking….”
“No, I wouldn’t ever want to hit the ground. It’s the falling through the air.”
I imagined my friend in his Peruvian homeland, peering over the edge of an Ande and thinking the same thoughts he was now sharing with me so far from where he started.
“I guess it’s time we went in, ” he said.
And we did.
Oh, and here’s a wee video.