Wild and Windy Shore

Depending on your connection speed, the video may take a few seconds to start playing. The audio only version is below below, although you really should watch the video – viewed full-screen, the pictures of Scotland and North Carolina make up for my vocals!

Audio Only
Click on the arrow to play. Allow a moment for the music to start.

Over New Year my family traveled to the North Carolina coast, passing through Scotland County along the Cape Fear river, the centre of Highland Scottish immigration 250 years ago. Standing on the beach, it was hard not to think of home over the sea, mine as well as theirs.

The image in the last verse was inspired by a photograph of my daughter Aoife taken a few months ago on a wild and windy shore in Scotland. It seemed to cry out for a romantic story to be built around it. The video is worth viewing in HD on full screen, because the beautiful pictures of Scotland and North Carolina are not only great in their own right, but also distract you from my “singing.”

In keeping with the song’s Scottishness, it only uses royalty-free pictures that were free on the internet, apart from the picture of Aoife, of course. The usual apologetic disclaimer applies to the voice and “musicianship.” It’s a demo, not a finished product. A decent singer with a good band might be able to do something with this. I suppose I’d better apologize for the video quality too, and of course also for the number of apologies in this paragraph.

A previous version of this song and video was published in 2016. It’s pretty rough, but fans of the previous version can find it here:

Audio only below (although you really should watch the video)

Copyright Gavin Sinclair 2016 & 2017

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